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Vlado Janevski - Kompas (Компас) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


When the eastern skies start glowing
the sun gilds my cheeks
as if you are sending me secret kisses
instead of letters from far away,
And when the foolish western winds
comb the birch trees
I ask myself if somewhere, at some time
your hair will cover me again?
Where is north... and where south...
- it does not bother it at all,
this heart as a broke compass
shows only in your direction.
Behind Radishani mountains stick up,
in the night the strongest star lies over them.
Dear North Star, is she unfaithful
or are you only her tear?
Each spring some bird
carries love songs in its throat
and with your voice it feels sorry for us
because you and me are apart.
Where is north... and where south...
- it does not bother it at all,
this heart as a broke compass
shows only in your direction.

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